Initially beginning as a manga in 2016, To Your Eternity is a series created by Yoshitoki Oima and chronicles the adventures of a boy and a wolf with more to them than meets the eye; through their journey through the artic regions, their bond grows even stronger through their trials and tribulations. Published in Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine, the series has released 12 volumes with more on the way.
Due to the success of the book, an anime has been in the works for quite some time. With Naruto: Shippuden director Masahiko Murata attached and working on the series at Brain Base, the show was even confirmed to stream on Crunchyroll during their Virtual Crunchyroll Expo.
Recently, an announcement was made that while the show is still planning to release, fans will have to wait until April of next year for the first episode. The reasoning has been confirmed to be due to the COVID-19 pandemic creating scheduling issues.
While the wait is going to be a bit longer, now is a great time to read up on the manga series that inspired the new show! We would love to hear your thoughts on the news, and don't forget to check out the new trailer!
A lonely boy wandering the Arctic regions of North America meets a wolf, and the two become fast friends, depending on each other to survive the harsh environment. But the boy has a history, and the wolf is more than meets the eye as well… To Your Eternity is a totally unique and moving manga about death, life, reincarnation, and the nature of love.
To Your Eternity will premiere in Spring 2021!