Based on the smartphone game, developed by Donuts, Tokyo 7th Sisters tells the story of the player starting a new music studio called 777 (Triple 7). As the manager, the game allows the player to train idols and improve them, while also partaking in a rhythm game aspect, as well. The original game released back in 2014 and has been a hit since! The game's have been so successful, a brand new anime film has also been announced.
With the cast of the game reprising their roles in the pcoming anime film, the title has also been released. The film is to be called Tokyo 7th Sisters: Bokura wa Aozora ni Naru. The film is set to be 70 minutes and, upon release, will have a limited theatrical run. Chief game director Shintaro Motegi will be working on the script and producing hte music. Takayuki Kitagawa will also be directing the film, which will be done over at LandQ Studios.
Recently, a brand new trailer for the upcoming film was released. The trailer features a ton of new footage for the upcoming film and awesome music. There is also introducitons of the idols that will be in the film! Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new film? Interested in playing the games? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments section! Tokyo 7th Sisters: Bokura wa Aozora ni Naru is set to release, unless postponed, this summer!