Beginning in 2012, the audio drama Tsukiuta was released by Movic. Written by Jiku Fujiwara, the story follows two idol groups that are anthropomorphic representations of the twelve months. Six Gravity, representing December to May and Procellarum, which represents June to November.
The audio dramas were we received with positivity; however, things didn't take off until the series was released as an anime. Once the anime series, Tsukiota. THE ANIMATION released in 2016. The anime premiered under the studio Pierrot and was a significant hit.
The success even spawned a manga later that same year. From that point, the franchise took off, also getting a mobile game and Playstation Vita game by Bandai Namco Entertainment. With the idol genre being so sought after, in Japan, it was no surprise that Tsukiota acclimated so quickly to the genre.
After the completion of the anime's first season, a second was greenlit. The series will be getting a brand new studio in Children's Playground Entertainment and a whole new staff, with only the cast returning. Originally scheduled to release in the spring of last year, the second season was pushed back to April of next year and then to July 2020.
Sadly, due to the COVID-19 pandemic forcing the staff to adjust their working routines, the series was delayed again to the fall of this year. In cushioning the blow of another delay, a video was streamed that features the mascot character, Kuroda.
While it does seem like the season will never release, there is no doubt the staff is working diligently to bring Tsukoita. THE ANIMATION 2, to the fans. Don't forget to check out the announcement video and make sure to share your thoughts on the series in the usual spot!
Tsukiuta. THE ANIMATION is the television anime of a music and original drama CD series about anthropomorphized months. The franchise centers around the Tokyo idol unit Six Gravity (composed of characters representing December to May) and the sibling rival unit Procellarum (composed of idols born in Western Japan and representing June to November).
Tsukiota. THE ANIMATION 2 is aiming to release in October 2020!