The sports drama anime series Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudou-bu will be releasing an unaired special 14th episode in an upcoming pre-screening event on March 3rd. This special event will have Tsurune script readings and live performances of the opening/ending themes from Shintaro Asanuma and Kensho Ono. As soon as more information on the 14th episode pops up, we will let you know.
The series presents five students that meet through archery and develop their friendship. The series is a drama show so it includes many different slice of life themes as well. The series is directed by Takuya Yamamura, Youta Tsuruouka is the sound director and Michiko Yokote writes the script and is in charge of series composition. The opening them is Naru by Luck Life and the ending theme is Orange Iro by ChouCho.
Shougo Yano as Nanao Kisaragi
Yuuto Uemura s Minato Narumiya
Ryouta Suzuki as Ryouhei Ymanouchi
Kaito Ishikawa as Kaito Onogi
The light novel series that inspired the anime series is written by Kotoko Ayano and illustrated by Chinatsu Morimoto. Kyoto Animation has been publishing the series since December 26, 2016 and has 2 volumes out right now.
The story follows Minato Narumiya. Minato played Japanese archery in middle school, but after a certain incident, he ran away from the sport. In high school, Minato meets new friends, and together as part of their school's archery club they aim to win the prefectural tournament.
Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudou-bu releases its 14th episode on March 3rd