BLOCKBUSTERS, a short form web anime comedy series about a group of anthropomorphic animals trying to produce independent films, has begun being published on YouTube starting today! Cinephiles now have a new show to tickle their funny bone. The series is about a group of anthropomorphic animals seeking to produce independent films.
Check out the core cast for the BLOCKBUSTERS series below:
- Screenplay, director: Ryosuke Aoike (Fever Creations)
- Producer: Tai Murayama (BONUS.CO.JP)
- Production: Tohokushinsha Film Corporation
- Marin Kawasaki
- Ryosuke Aoike
You can watch the first episode of the BLOCKBUSTERS series now!
The story of BLOCKBUSTERS follows Sophia, a new employee at a movie channel, who falls in with Jean-Luc, Spike, and Alfred - a trio of film enthusiasts - and gets wrapped up in their wild adventures producing independent movies.
The first five episodes of the series have been released and are viewable on YouTube! Each episode is approximately 2 minutes long, so it will be easy to catch up on the series if you haven't already been tuning in!
Be sure to watch the linked episode and let us know your thoughts about the BLOCKBUSTERS series in the comments below!