Based on Akihito Tsukushi's manga series of the same name, Made in Abyss is a franchise that branched off into the world of film and television with its amazing anime adaptions. Initially, the first series premiered in 2017, but it was not long after that that the series would later graduate to the world of film.
The first film to release in the series was titled Made in Abyss: Journey's Dawn and was met with rousing praise and success. By the time that the franchise's second film, Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight, was released, the popularity and interest for the property grew exponentially; with premieres of the films coming to North America thanks to Sentai Filmworks.
Finally, the third film in the franchise, Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul, will be making its way to the west for a premiere, following a delay from its initial proposed release date, due to COVID-19. To help build excitement, a brand new trailer has been released through Sentai Filmworks to remind fans that the story is not yet over.
With the premiere both in theaters and virtually coming in September, now is the best time to catch up on the previous films, if possible. We would love to hear your thoughts on the news, and don't forget to watch the new trailer!
Dawn of the Deep Soul continues the epic adventure of plucky Riko and Reg who are joined by their new friend Nanachi. Together they descend into the Abyss' treacherous fifth layer, the Sea of Corpses, and encounter the mysterious Bondrewd, a legendary White Whistle whose shadow looms over Nanachi's troubled past. Bondrewd is ingratiatingly hospitable, but the brave adventurers know things are not always as they seem in the enigmatic Abyss...
Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul will premiere in N. America on September 14th with the subbed version and the dubbed version also releasing in theaters on September 16th. Virtual showings for the film will begin on September 18th!