Edge of Tomorrow is a science-fiction action film starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt that released back in 2014. Directed by Doug Liman,
Edge of Tomorrow is based on the 2004 Japanese light novel called
All You Need Is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka.
The film follows Major William Cage (Cruise) as he's dropped into a battlefield and expected to take on powerful alien creatures. Every time Cage dies in battle, he's warped back in time to before the battle took place — retaining the memories of his former lives. Cage teams up with Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski (Blunt) to improve his combat ability and figure out how to win the war.
A sequel has been in development since 2016 and Liman has stated that it will be called
Live Die Repeat and Repeat — which is a play on the film's home release title and marketing slogan: Live Die Repeat. It has been confirmed that both Cruise and Blunt will reprise their roles. However, development has taken its time on account of scheduling issues —
which Liman detailed here.
Thankfully, it now seems that things are moving along behind-the-scenes as Liman recently shared a photo from a Writer's Room in which they're using whiteboards to plan out the many timey-wimey elements of the
Edge of Tomorrow sequel. You can check that out below (via