Mamoru Hosoda, the acclaimed Japanese director behind The Boy and the Beast, Summer Wars, Wolf Children and more is back with another anime film, Mirai, which is set for a Summer 2018 release. Check out the first trailer below.
The subtitled video reveals that the film is centered on a small child who interacts with his older "little sister" who travels back and forth in time. Her ability to transcend time and space leads them t0 a whirlwind of adventures and new experiences. It appears the central theme or mystery of the film will be centered on why exactly, did Mirai come back from the future.
Anime Mojo
first reported on Hosoda's new project back in May 2017. He described the project as:
Mirai follows a 4-year old boy who is struggling to cope with the arrival of a little sister in the family, until things turn magical. A mysterious garden in the backyard of the boy's home becomes a gateway allowing the child to travel back in time and encounter his mother as a little girl and his great-grandfather as a young man. These fantasy-filled adventures allow the child to change his perspective and help him become the big brother he was meant to be.
Hosoda's eldest daughter is named Mirai, which is where the title of the film is derived.