Hello World has previously been described as an original sci-fi romance film set in Kyoto in the year 2027. The movie follows Naomi Katagaki, a young high school student who encounters a future version of himself that's a decade older who says they must team-up to save a classmate that Katagaki won't begin dating until three months from now.
Mado Nozaki (Gado - The Right Answer) wrote the screenplay Yukiko Horiguchi (K-On!) handled character designs.
The movie opens in Japan on September 20.
The firs trailer below features the song, Yesterday, performed by Official HiGE DANdism while the second trailer is anchored by a song titled Shin Sekai (New World) from OKAMOTO'S.
A man travels in time from the year 2027 to relive his school years and to correct a bad decision.