An anime adaptation of the Assassin's Pride light novel series was first announced back in October 2018 at the Fantasia Bunko Dai Kanshasai 2018 anime event in Japan.
Amagi launched the light novel series in 2016, which features illustrations from Nino Ninomoto. He won the Grand-Prix award at the 28th Fantasia Taisho contest in 2015, which served as a spring pad for the series' release. A manga adaptation from Yoshie Katō is currently serialized in Shuiesha's Ultra Jump and recently released its 3rd volume.
There's no word yet on which studio is tackling the project so be sure to keep it locked to Anime Mojo for future updates.
Only those from noble families have the mana to be able to fight against monsters. Kūfa is a noble born to a duke's family who is sent to tutor a young woman named Merida. If it turns out that Merida has no talent with mana, Kūfa is secretly instructed to assassinate her.