In 2014, when Kohei Horikoshi launched the superhero manga series, My Hero Academia, in the pages of Sheuisha's Weekly Shonen Jump, it felt as if the story's success was found almost overnight. The series itself has become one of the most popular shonen series since Naruto and has tackled themes of growing up, courage, self worth, and fear.
The series has crossed multiple multi media platforms as well. This includes a stage play, video game series, a film that is in production and also an incredibly successful anime series that has spawned two films of its own! The anime began airing in 2016 and, as of last October, has had four complete seasons.
Recently, the 88th and final episode of the series' fourth season aired and with it, a small promo dropped for the upcoming fifth season! The season did not have much to announce but the tagline promises that something is awakening. The new season should also be adapting the joint training arc. Make sure to check out the promo for the upcoming season below!
Excited for the new season? Did the fourth season meet excpectations? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments and stay tuned for more news in the future on when to expect My Hero Academia season 5!