Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto concluded with Naruto: Part II (known as Naruto Shippuden in the anime) in November 2014, after launching the wildly-successful shonen manga in 1997. Since then, a spinoff series following Naruto's son Boruto has begun publication in Weekly Shonen Jump since 2016, produced by Kishimoto's former assistants - writer Ukyō Kodachi and illustrator Mikio Ikemoto. The sequel is published monthly rather than weekly like its predecessor.
Previously at Jump Festa 2017 last December,
Kishimoto teased work on his next project, a one-shot for Weekly Shonen Jump's 50th Anniversary. Kishimoto also teased that his next series would be science-fiction.
At a Shonen Jump press conference on Monday, Hiroyuki Nakano, the magazine's current editor-in-chief revealed that Kishimoto's next chapter in Shonen Jump would be the first in his new serialized work.
Fans are currently left to speculate whether Kishimoto's new series will be weekly like Naruto or monthly like Boruto.