Ushering in the Reiwa era of the franchise, Kamen Rider Zero-One is the latest iteration of the long-running live-action series. The 44th series in Toei's long-running franchise premiered on September 1st to fans who welcomed it with open arms as the series seemed to go back to design basics with the look of the hero.
Sadly, the series was forced to go on hiatus earlier this year as productions were suspended due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. As of now, the live-action show is resuming its filming but with strict safety guidelines in place to ensure that no one becomes ill while filming.
In almost perfect timing, as viewers wait for the new episodes of the show to release, the Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club has revealed a new batch of animated web shorts titled Kamen Rider Zero-One: Everyone's Daily Life.
These new anime shorts are sure to bring a hilarious slice of life humor to the series as fans wait for more episodes. Make sure to check out a preview of the first episode below, and don't forget to share your thoughts on the show in the comments!
After the death of his grandfather Korenosuke, failed comedian Aruto Hiden is chosen to inherit his company Hiden Intelligence and take on the power of the Hiden Zero-One Driver just as a cyber-terrorist organization called launches their plan to exterminate mankind.
Kamen Rider Zero-One: Everyone's Daily Life will begin streaming on July 23rd at 12:00 pm!