This year marks the 25th anniversary of the spinoff game series Dragon Quest Monsters, which has been in production since 1993. And it all begins with a heartfelt tribute to all of the players who have supported and cherished the various animals that populate the game.
Check out the 25th anniversary announcement below:
So get ready for a new adventure.
In development for the Nintendo Switch.
Even while nothing has been officially announced, all indications point to them working on a new game in the not-too-distant future. But for the time being, this is all the information we have: that something is on the way, and that it will be on the Switch. Fans are already getting hyped up about the upcoming project by theorizing in the comments section of Twitter about what it may contain. Be sure to let us know your theories in the comments!
We will keep you updated as more details are released.
Let us know your thoughts on the 25th anniversary special message for Dragon Quest Monsters in the comments down below!