One of the most cerebral and influential mecha anime ever, Neon Genesis Evangelion, brought pulse pounding action and thought provoking ideas to the forefront of manga and anime. Creator Hideaki Anno brought the series to fans in 1995 and with it, mangaed to bring is feelings, while suffering from clinical depression, into a unique and digestable format to the masses. The series can make viewers feels a whirlwind of emotions and by the end of it; leaves more questions than answers. Many have interpreted the series and theorized its message but no one has ever truly understood what the series was trying to accomplish. However, even with these big ideas the show gives you to unpack, it hasn't stopped the masses from adoring the series for all it has to offer.
After the original seires, the franchise continued with multiple films, toy lines and even theme park projects, where the heroic EVA's take on the likes of kaiju icon Godzilla. The franchises most recent outing, however, was the mobile game shooter Evangelion Battlefields. The series released at the beginning of April, from Mobcast, and contains story elements from the Rebuild of Evangelion films.
Recently the game has announced, with its second season, that a brand new character would be joining the team! Kotone Suzunami (voiced by Megumi Han) is a cheerful girl who showed up at NERV and looks up to Shinji and the older students, while maintaining her online streaming. The game also announced the previously released original character Hitomi Amagi (voiced by Mai Nakahara), would now be playable.
Excited for the new characters? Planning on downloading the game? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! Evangelion Battlefields is available now, for free, on iOS and Android!