Hiro Mashima's Fairy Tail released in Kodansha's Weekly Shonen magazine, in 2011. The manga was a massive hit upon release and has spawned an anime series that recently ended last year. The series has also spawned some anime movies and a few mobile games. Recently, the series has bee ntrying to break into a more definitive console game setting with a new RPG game.
Fairy Tail RPG was created by Gust and KOEI Tecmo Games and is set to feature a slew of playable characters. Aside from Natsu, some other playable characters include Lucy, Ezra and Gajeel; to name a few. Originally set for a march release; the game has been dealing with a slew of delays, including one that saw its release coming in June. With COVID-19 affecting the world, even that date has been pushed back.
In a recent announcement from Gust and KOEI Tecmo Games, the video game's release will now be set for a late July release, instead of the previous June that it was slated for. While this comes as a bit of a shock to fans, the reasoning is due to how COVID-19 has affected the world; and its spread in Japan.
Sad for the delay? Hope more news will come soon? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! Fairy Tail RPG is set to release on all major consoles, and Steam, on July 30th; in Japan and Europe, and July 31st in America!