Unlike most shonen and anime that do its best to tell a fun and series story, grounded in a world that has its own set of rules and systems, Hideaki Sorachi's Gintama opted to do instead whatever it wanted and succeed at doing it. The fourth wall breaking anime released in 2003 in the pages of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump and ran for a total of 77 volumes.
For a series that notoriously satirizes its fellow shonen series,' it has managed to work its way into the hearts of fans by being brutally honest about the world of shonen while delivering on amazing action and truly unique characters. Not long after the manga, an anime of the series was released in 2006 and ran for 12 years.
Another series known for breaking the mold in its own way has been the fighting game series The King of Fighters. Guest-starring on various games like Tekken 7 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has helped bring new fans of the genre into the world of the classic 2D fighter. Recently, Netmarble also released a brand new mobile fighter titled The King of Fighters AllStar.
Recently, a new collaboration was announced that would feature the cast of Gintama invading the hit mobile game. This new update will feature new events such as the Gintama Attendance Event and Kagura’s Super Mission, which will give players the chance to obtain Elizabeth and Kagura as playable characters!
Other playable characters will include Gintoki, Kagura, Kondou, Okita, Hijikata, Takasugi, Katsura, Elizabeth, Kamui, and White Yaksha Gintoki Sakata; which will also have new battle cards and dungeons! To celebrate its second anniversary, the game will also have an attendance event where those who log in can receive up to 50 summon cards and a new FES character. Make sure to check out the latest announcement video below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
THE KING OF FIGHTERS ALLSTAR boasts fast-paced fighting action as players battle through waves of enemies, giant bosses and rival fighter teams. The excitement is paired with cutting edge graphics, bold colors, and lightning-fast animations. In addition, this game features all of KOF’s classic fighters from ’94 to XIV, with over 130 fighters available to collect, along with more to come with seasonal events, collaborations with popular IP such as TEKKEN 7, and additional content updates for players to enjoy.
The Gintama crossover on The King of Fighters Allstar will run from now until August 13th!