In just over a month's time Jump Force will unite a plethora of popular anime characters and pit them against each other. With Jump Force's whole premise revolving around powerful anime gods duking it out, it comes as no surprise that the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) have warned of copious amount of violence, mild blood, suggestive themes, online play, and in-game purchases.
The board, who provide games with their age ratings in North America, have determined that, despite the violence, Jump Force doesn't quite warrant an "M" for "Mature" rating but instead a "T" for "Teen". You can read their full rating summary below and check out their website here.
This is a fighting game in which players compete in 3-on-3 matches with characters featured in the Shonen Jump Magazine series. Players use punches, kicks, and special attacks (e.g., fireballs, laser blasts, rush attacks) to drain opponents' life meters in arena-based combat. A handful of characters use swords, machine guns, and bazookas to inflict damage against opponents. Battles are accompanied by colorful light effects, cries of pain, and large explosions. Small drips of blood can appear on characters' bodies and faces as they are damaged in combat. Some characters wear outfits that expose large amounts of cleavage; portions of female characters' clothing may rip off during matches. Dialogue also references suggestive material (e.g., 'Get a load of this package. You like what you see?').
What do you think of the ESRB's rating of Jump Force? Are you looking forward to the
Jump Force is set to release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on February 14th, 2019.