Beginning as a light novel series, the Re:ZERO franchise has had multiple iterations cross over various forms of media since its release. From manga and anime to video games, the franchise has had various opportunities to reach fans from all walks of life.
The fantasy series has had its most substantial following come after the release of its first anime in 2016. From then on, the franchise has had multiple seasons and spin-offs and even managed to release numerous OVAs that are streaming on Crunchyroll.
Recently, a new game was announced titled Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Lost in Memories. This upcoming mobile game allows players to play through the events of the show's first season; however, there are multiple options throughout that creat fun "what-if" scenarios.
A new opening video for the game was released that is produced by WHITE FOX, along with a "new chapter digest compilation video." Make sure to check out the new videos below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
Players will play as Subaru in the game, and follow the events of the anime. However, players can also make a different choice at "that time," leading to a different "what-if" storyline. Additionally, the game will also feature a new original story.
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Lost in Memories will release on iOS and Android this summer!