Released back in November 2017,
Sonic Forces is a platform game developed by SEGA's Sonic Team for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS devices, and the PC. Based on what appears to be a leaked promotional image, this Sonic the Hedgehog game will be free for PlayStation Plus subcribers in March 2020.
PlayStation Plus is a subscription service for the PlayStation 4 that entitles players to a couple of free games each and every month — not to mention other benefits.
BioShock: The Collection,
The Sims 4, and
Firewall: Zero Hour are February's free PlayStation Plus games — and will be available for free until March's are introduced.
An image recently surfaced on the /r/PS4 subreddit which appears to feature a promotional image for March's free titles. Based on this image, both
Shadow of the Colossus and
Sonic Forces will be free next month. You can check out the image in question below (via
Gamefragger). However, before you get your hopes up, remember that these kinds of things often turn out to be hoaxes.
[Rumour] [Image] PS Plus March 2020: Shadow of the Colossus & Sonic Forces from r/PS4