The Demo For The RESIDENT EVIL 2 Remake Has Almost Been Downloaded Two-Million Times
The demo for the highly-anticipated remake of Resident Evil 2 has been downloaded 1.5 million times, but only 18% of those downloads have actually completed it. Find out more...
The demo for the upcoming and highly-anticipated remake of Resident Evil 2, titled One-Shot, has now been available for four days and in that time has been downloaded by a shocking amount of people.
One-Shot offers half-an-hour of the Resident Evil 2 experience before literally cutting out at the thirty-minute mark - and thus, only a percentage of those downloads have actually completed it.
The official Resident Evil website recently made the demo's statistics public with an interesting, new tracker that reveals the 1.5 million downloads thus far. The page even goes as far as to detail the exact number of downloads from each region - on a worldwide scale. The US has currently contributed the most with 350,000 downloads.
The tracker also reveals that only 28% of that impressive number of downloads have actually completed the demo - most likely on-account of the afformentioned time limit.
Have you contributed to the impressive number of downloads? Are you looking forward to the remake of Resident Evil 2?
Resident Evil 2 will release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on January 25th, 2019.