The Magnificent KOTOBUKI franchise is one of the most fun and exciting franchises to have released in the past year. The premise follows a bunch of young female pilots who defend people from air pilots in old warbirds.
Beginning as an anime in 2019, the franchise has branched out to even include brand new manga and a compilation film that has furthered the lore. Another addition to the franchise includes a mobile game that released early last year for iOS and Android titled, The Magnificent KOTOBUKI: Take Off Girls of the Sky!
Recently, it was announced in the game's official site that by the end of the year the services would be shut down entirely. By mid-November the currency systems will begin to shut down however by December the game will officially end its service.
Will you still try to give the game a shot before the service concludes? We would love to hear your thoughts on the news in the comments below!
In a desolate world where the safest form of transporting cargo is by zeppelin; air pirates roam the sky, preying on aerial commerce and holding remote towns for ransom. Against these airborne marauders, the only defense is to hire high-flying protection of your own, and that's where mercenary pilots like the girls of the Kotobuki Squadron come in. Behind the joysticks of their lightweight Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa fighters, these lady falcons play a deadly game of escort, where a single mistake can end up in a fiery crash or mid-air collision. But for birds of prey like Kylie, Reona, Chika, Emma, Kate, and Zara, the danger is worth it for the chance to spread their wings and soar into the heavens. The wild blue yonder gets even wilder as every dogfight becomes a catfight in THE MAGNIFICENT KOTOBUKI!
The Magnificent KOTOBUKI: Take Off Girls of the Sky! will be ending its service on December 14th 2020!