Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes will receive at least two downloadable content updates in the future. This was announced by the game's director, Suda 51, during an interview offered to GameXplain during the PAX West 2018 convention.
Both the release date and the content of these DLC remain a mystery. Will any of them come out? Will they expand the story? What we know is that Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes will arrive exclusively for Nintendo Switch on January 18, 2019.
Travis Strikes Again is located seven years after the events of No More Heroes. The Bad has returned to execute his revenge on Travis Touchdown for the murder of his daughter, Bad Girl.
But at the moment the battle begins, both are absorbed by a ghost video game console called Death Drive Mark II. As in the original title, the only way to escape is to battle through the seven console games defeating enemies and bosses of the most varied.
"Otaku Assassin Enters the Game World" The legendary gaming console—the Death Drive Mark 2... Travis Touchdown wanders into the game world and embarks on a rampage of epic proportions. Inside, there’s an action game, racing, puzzles... A total of seven different game titles!