My Senpai Is Annoying started as a Japanese romantic comedy manga series written by Shiro Manta and started serializing back in 2017. In July 2020, an anime adaptaion television series produced by Doga Kobo was announced. The series was directed by Ryota Itoh and Yoshimi Narita oversaw the series' scripts. Shigemitsu Abe designed the characters, with Hiroaka Tsutsumi composing the music for the series.
The voice cast includes the popular names of Risa Mei (SHADOWS HOUSE), Patrick Seitz (My Hero Academia), Kenny James, Luis Bermudez and many more!
It series stars Futaba Igarashi, a cute and small office worker, whom people often mistake as a young girl. She works for Itomaki Trading where she often complains about one of her large male coworkers, Harumi Takeda-senpai, and says he is loud and obnoxious. Together, they often visit other companies to give sales pitches and he quite often teases her by tousling her hair and patting her head. The other office coworkers and friends can tell that Futaba has a secret crush on Harumi and that she is finding it hard to come to terms with those feelings.