Yasuhisa Hara's Kingdom is a historical manga series that tells the story of Xin. Xin is a slave boy with big dreams; dreams to be come a ggreat general and lead an army to victory and to unify China. While he is not alone in his quest, his path takes center stage. The manga released back in 2006, in Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine and, as of now, has released 57 compiled volumes; with Hara's hope to be to reach 100.
The anime for the series released in 2012 and has recently started its third season, however, a hiatus on new episodeswas announced due to COVID-19. THe show has been a massive success in both the anime and historical fiction genres. The seires has also spawned a live action film that released back in 2019. As the series progresses, there is always a chance to improve and learn more on a time period that a story takes place in. This is why the series has announced it will be taking a short break.
Historical fiction demmands authenticity and the world of fiction demands a well thought out and detailed story. Due to these things, Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump, announced in their recent double issues, that the series would be taking a 3 issues break so that Hara can plan out the next arc to the sprawling story. Should nothing hold up the schedule, the series should return in June.
Excited for what is to come? Already hoping the next chapter releases on time? MAke sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! Kingdom is set to return on June 4th!