Since its first appearance decades ago, the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise as been best known for its works as both an action-adventure series and also a political drama. Throughout its storied history, there have rarely been shows set in the world that fail to hit the mark for whatever it is trying to say.
Manga has been where many of the most unique spin-offs of Gundam have been found, along with some continuations to various movies that have been released. An exciting series to come from the world has been Mobile Suit Gundam: Aggressor.
Created by Daichi Banjou, the series was released in 2014 in the pages of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday S and has released 14 volumes so far. Three months ago, the book had to go on hiatus due to the creator's health but had finally returned last Friday! It seems that Banjou is back to continue the story of the series' "traitor" Federation Unit.
With no signs of ending any time soon, who knows where Banjou will take the story! We would love to hear your thoughts on the return in the usual spot!
The story follows the Aggressor unit, a "traitor" Federation unit of soldiers who defected from the Zeon side.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Aggressor is being released in Shogakukan's Shonen Sunday S magazine, in Japan!