In 2015, Yuu Tanaka launched the novel series Reincarnated as a Sword on the Shosetsuka ni Narou website, the series is about a young, cat-eared girl, named Fran, who is freed from slavery by a sword that is in fact a reincarnated version of a man who goes by "Teacher", who rememebers his past but not his name. Together they go on adventures as Fran's desire to grow more powerful emerges and Teacher tries to understand his purpose. The original series was such a hit that after its first year, artist LLO began to illustrate the novels though Gentosha.
The novels have recently released its ninth volume nad have shown no signs of stopping. After the massive hit that has been the original novels, a manga series later came out through Gentosha's Denshi Birz website and written by Tomowo Maruyama. The manga, has had English prints released through Seven Seas Entertainment. As of now the japanese manga released its seventh compiled volume, in March.
In recent news, writer Hinako Inoue released a brand new spin-off titled called Reincarnated as a Sword: Another Wish. The series is being released through Micro Magazine's Comic Ride web comic magazine and tells the story of Fran and Teacher as they attempt to conquer the Phantom Dungeon,a mysterious dungeon that only appears every three years. During their quest in the dungeon, they end up destroying a bell that takes them somewhere very different from their home.
Excited for the new series? Planning on reading it online? We wouldlove to hear your thoughts in the comments! Reincarnated as a Sword: Another Wish will be a free serialization on Comic Ride's website on June 30th!