Original '79 Gundam character designer Yoshikazu Yasuhiko began retelling the original anime's story in manga form in Kadokawa's Gundam Ace in June 2001. OVA episodes were released in 2015, by Sunrise, with the first installment receiving a limited theatrical run in February. The release dates are as follows:
Part I: Blue Eyed Casval - 02/28/2015
Part II: Artesia's Sorrow - 10/31/2015
Part II: Dawn of Rebellion - 05/21/2016
Part IV: Eve of Destiny - 11/19/2016
It was recently announced that the film series would actually continue beyond the original four installments, and cover the Battle of Loum arc. As with the previous releases, the fourth installment will screen in 15 Japanese theaters, with limited BD/DVD copies on sale at the venues. You'll be able to purchase copies online, starting on 12/09/2016.
Anime Consortium Japan is releasing the series worldwide (with subtitles) on the same day that the videos are made available for home video purchase in Japan. That means you'll be able to purchase an English-subbed digital copy of Part IV on 12/09.