In 2013, Hitomi Iruka launched the yuri manga series Adachi to Shimamura in the pages of Kadokawa's Dengeki Bunko Magazine. With eight volumes released, the light novel series continues to release new chapters to the hit story.
Some recent updates on the franchise have included the reveal that Seven Seas Entertainment would be bringing the story to western audiences. At the same time, there were also reports of a manga adaption in the works. While the western release of the books isn't for some time, the anime is much closer to release.
A new trailer to the show has begun streaming that has announced a brand new release date for the series along with some exciting new additions to the staff! As of now, the series' release date puts the premiere in early October!
Fall TV is about to get a little more romantic with the addition of Adachi to Shimamura. Make sure to check out the trailer below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Adachi and Shimamura, two young women who attend the same high school, are inseparable friends. Whether playing table tennis, chatting about favorite TV shows, or just relaxing together, they're happy to share their days. When Adachi's friendship turns into romantic attraction, the relationship begins to change, one day at a time.
Adachi to Shimamura debuts on Funimation, October 8th!