Released in 2016, Aggretsuko is an animated power fantasy for anyone who is tired of their 9-5 job and has the urge to cut loose and constructively vent their frustrations. Following a young red panda named Retsuko, working in an office job has its ups and downs, thankfully for Retsuko, when those downs become too much to handle there is only one way to work through them; singing death metal at a karaoke bar.
Since streaming its first season on Netflix, the show has reached a high status of praise thanks to fans who can't get enough of the main character and her journey through life. Adding to the humor is the animation that shows off cute and cuddly character models, reminiscent of Hello Kitty.
With two seasons released, fans have been patiently waiting for the inevitable release of the show's third season. Now, a brand new trailer has been released ahead of its late August premiere!
With both a subbed and dubbed trailer to watch, fans can experience the show in any language they like! Make sure to check out the trailers below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Subbed trailer
Dubbed trailer
Retsuko is a 25-year old red panda who works in her dream company's accounting department. But it turns out that she is forced to keep doing more and more impossible tasks by her superiors and co-workers. She doesn't talk back to them, but she still has to let off steam, so she ends up going to karaoke by herself and singing death metal.
Aggretsuko will begin streaming on Netflix on August 27th!