This past March saw the worldwide release of the anime adaption of Paru Itagaki's Beastars. The series centers around a murder mystery at an academy where predators and prey co-exist; from there, drama unfolds, and love blossoms and more questions are raised with each passing day.
The manga was a massive success upon release, with the series even releasing in the west, and the anime has been no different. Thanks to its success in streaming on Netflix, the show has even been greenlit for a second season!
Aiming for an early 2021 release, the second season promises to add even more tension to the story and expand on the characters even more. A brand new visual has also been released for the series that features some of the characters drawn in a tone that makes things seem like they will be getting a lot more dire and dangerous.
There is still no official footage of the new season but until then, make sure to stay tuned! We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
At a high school where the students are literally divided into predators and prey, it’s personal relationships that maintain the fragile peace. Who among them is a Beastar—an academic and social role model destined to become a leader in a society naturally rife with mistrust?
Beastars season 2 is coming to Netflix, January 2021!