Originally, developed as an anime by Production I.G, Blood-C tells the story of a swordswoman who is tasked with defeating monsters that feed on human blood. The series released in 2011 and was developed and designed by CLAMP. The anime series was soon followed up by a manga series of the same name.
After its initial release, the franchise exploded into various other mediums, and this included an anime film titled, Blood-C: The Last Dark and Blood: The Last Vampire. A slightly more relaxed version of the franchise was introduced as well as a live-action film series.
2017 saw the release of Asura Girl: Blood-C Another Story, which premiered in 2017. After that initial release, the franchise continued with the release of Blood-Club Dolls 1, in that same year. The film was a massive hit, and later a sequel was greenlit.
Blood-Club Dolls 2 is being helmed by Persona stage play director, Shutaro Oku. The film's summer release has been precedent with a brand new trailer for the film. The video not only features new footage but a preview of the film's theme "Over the little night" by Ryo Kitazono.
The new sequel looks to capture the same action and drama as the original but features a lot of new surprises. Don't forget to watch the new trailer and share your thoughts on the film in the usual spot!
Blood-C focuses on Saya Kisaragi, an outwardly normal girl who serves as a shrine maiden to a country town; in reality, she is a skilled swordswoman charged by her father to defeat Elder Bairns, monsters who feed on human blood. As her battles grow more desperate and more people she cares for fall victim to the Elder Bairns, Saya begins finding faults in her reality, and eventually uncovers a disturbing truth about herself, the town and her surviving friends.
Blood-Club Dolls 2 will release, in Japan, on July 10th!