When Trigger released the anime series, Brand New Animal, in Japan, the series was a runaway hit. The mystery and conspiracy series tells the story of a world where humans and animal-humans live in a shaky coexistence. A young girl named Michiru finds herself transformed into an animal-human herself and the series follows her journey to figure out what happened and to fix herself. With the help of a wolf-humans, with his own share of prejudices, the duo find themselves uncovering an even larger plot.
The series released its first half on Netflix in Japan, earlier this year, with the series airing on Japanese television in April. The second half of the series was finally released on Netflix earlier this month, to high acclaim. With stellar animation direction by Naoki Takeda, vivid colors by Yukiko Kakita and music by mabanua (Megalobox); and writer Kazuki Nakashima (Gurren Lagaan), to name a few, it is no surprise that the series has been another win by Trigger.
When the second half of the series was announced to release in Japan, Many fans began to wonder if there would be a worldwide release, considering the level of success that anime has on the platform, in the west. Now, with the announcement on the platform's Twitter, it has been revealed that the series would be premiering worldwide! An English subbed promo video was also released, that can be seen in the link here. Make sure to check it out!
Excited for the worldwide release of the series? Planning on binging the series on release? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! Brand New Animal is set to stream on Netflix worldwide on June 30th!