Recently, Studio Trigger has released a new anime series titled, Brand New Animal, the series melds sleek and colorful backgrounds with highly stylizedand momentum fueled animation. The story of the series covers the story beats of mystery and prejudice as we follow a young girl, turned into an animal, nust traverse a world of humans and humanoid animals. The two sides do not see eye to eye and while the young girl tries to fix herself; she enlists the aid of a wolf detective who comes with a few prejudices of his own.
The series released on Netflix, in Japan, on March 21st. The platform, however, only released the first six episodes of the series. Yet, with no release date given at the time of release, for the second half of the show, fans remained loyal. As they patiently waited for the second half of the series to drop, some good news was released from the series' official website!
it looks like episodes 7-12 of Brand New Animal are coming much sooner than expected! According to the website, fans can expect the series to release this week! Sadly it does not seem that hte series has a worldwide release, as of yet. Along with the release, voice actors Sumire Morohoshi and Yoshimasa Hosoya will be answering fan questions via Twitter, during the release!
Excited for the new reveal? Planning on watching the first six episodes again? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Episodes 7-12 of Brand New Animal will release on Netflix, in Japan, on May 6th ( May 5th 11 AM EDT)!