The original Bungou Stray Dogs series was released in 2012 and created by Kafka Asagiri and Sango Harukawa. Since then, the series has been a massive hit and has even spawned an anime and some feature films! The manga itself, believe it or not, is still in publication and has released 19 volumes so far!
Since the original story can't rely completely on comedy, a spin-off series was released that lets the jokes fly, titled Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! The book was created by Kanaineko and featured the characters from the show, but they have a much more chibi appearance since the book is considerably less series than the original.
Since the manga was such a hit, a brand new anime has also been greenlit to bring the stories to life! Since the announcement, news has been trickling in about some casting reveals for the series, and three of them are actually some of the voices from the original anime! Confirmed on the official website, Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Chiaki Omigawa, and Rikiya Koyama will be returning to voice the characters of Junichiro Tanizaki, Naomi Tanizaki, and Yukichi Fukuzawa, respectively.
Since there is still sometime before the release, who knows who else will be joining the cast! We would love to hear your thoughts on the announcement in the comments below!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, he has the power to transform and manipulate his cloak into a monster-like entity. Together, some of these writers solve mysteries as part of the "Armed Detective Agency," while others appear as antagonists.
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! will release in Japan in January of next year!