Following the conclusion of his iconic manga series, Bleach, mangaka Tite Kubo launched the series Burn the Witch. His new hit series follows two young witches who live in London and use their magic abilities to help patrol and contain dragons in case they may cause too many issues for the average civilian.
Released, initially, as a one-shot in 2018, the series takes place in the Bleach universe and follows the main characters who work in the Western Branch of the Soul Society. Following the one-shot release in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump, the series later released this past August and ran for one volume.
With an anime adaption officially coming this October, a brand new trailer has begun streaming for the beautifully animated show. The trailer also features the show's theme song, "Blowing" by NiL, and shows some fantastic footage as well.
With the release coming just in time for Halloween, make sure to check out the manga the show is based on! Make sure to check out the new trailer, and we would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Historically 72% of all the deaths in London are related to dragons, fantastical beings invisible to the majority of the people.
While unknown to most, some people have been standing up to these dragons.
Only inhabitants of Reverse London who live in the hidden “reverse” side of London can see the dragons. Even then, only a selected few become qualified enough as witches or wizards to make direct contact with them.
The protagonists of the story are witch duo Noel Niihashi and Ninny Spangcole. They are protection agents for Wing Bind (WB), an organization for dragon conservation and management. Their mission is to protect and manage the dragons within London on behalf of the people.
Burn the Witch premieres on Crunchyroll, October 2nd!