CELLS AT WORK Live Play Has Revealed The Staff In Their Official Costumes
The live stage play adaptation of author Akane Shimizu's comedy shonen manga series, Cells at Work, has released images of the cast with their costumes. Here is more information on the series.
The official stage play website of Cells at Work! has shared images of the cast in their costumes. Below you can find pictures of White Blood Cell (played by Masanari Wada), Red Blood Cell (played by Kanon Nanaki), Killer T Cell (played Yuki Kimisawa), regular cell (played by Takeshi James Yamada), Helper T Cell (played by Kimito Totani), Natural Killer Cell (played by Kaoru Marimura), Naive T Cell (played by Masaki Ota, Macrophage (played by Yuka Hirata), Regulatory T Cell (played by Chihiro Kai), Dendritic Cell (played by Bishin Kawasumi), B Cell (played by Kaoru Masaki), Platelets (played by Yumitsu Kishida, Kei Morita and Ayane Kinouchi), Streptococcus pyogenes (played by Yuki Masuda), Influenza virus (plyaed by Shun Takagi), Pneumococcus (played by Ryoma Baba) and Staphylococcus aureus (played by Shou Tomita).
Internal Action Play Cells at Work will run from November 16 to 25 at Tokyo's Theatre 1010. Tsuyoshi Kida is directing and Keita Kawajiri writes the script. The manga series, Cells at Work!, has been publishing since January 2015 with 5 volumes so far and 25 chapters. Akane Shimizu writes and draws it, Shonen Sirius does the serialization.
The anime series of the same name aired from July 2018 to September 2018 with a total of 13 episodes. Aniplex, Kodansha and Magic Capsule produced it and Aniplex of America has the English license. David Production animated the project.