Created by Aho Toro in 2017, Dr. Ramune -Mysterious Disease Specialist- follows a young and somewhat crass doctor who is able to find and remedy some of the most obscure ailments that plague a person. Publishing in the pages of Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Sirius magazine, the series has continued publication even after producing a final chapter last year!
Recently, it was confirmed that the long-running manga would be adapted into an anime series; however, not much was released aside from the casting of the main two characters. That being said, it looks like that is about to change, and it begins with the reveal that Kana Ueda and Nobuhiko Okamoto will be voicing Ayame and Nico, respectively.
Along with the casting reveals, there was also the premiere of the show's first official promo! The video features some brand new footage and also when to expect the show's premiere!
There is still a lot that is yet to be revealed, but fans can expect even more before the premiere! Make sure to check out the new video below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
As long as hearts exist inside people, there will always be those who suffer. When something "strange" enters their mind, a strange disease will manifest itself in their body. The illness, which is called a "mystery disease" is unknown to most, but it certainly exists. There is a doctor and an apprentice who can fight the disease, which modern medicine cannot cure.
His name is Ramune. He acts freely all the time, is foul-mouthed, and doesn't even look like a doctor! However, once he is confronted with the mysterious disease, he is able to quickly uncover the root cause of his patients' deep-seated distress and cure them.
Dr. Ramune -Mysterious Disease Specialist- is coming in 2021!