In 2012 a comedy manga was released called Dropkick on My Devil! the basic premise of the series revolved around a demon who was summoned into the real world. The issue is that the demon never wanted to leave and tries at every turn to kill her summoner so that she may return home and live a quiet life.
The premise alone was enough to spawn later an anime that was a massive success with fans. From the release of the first season, a second was later released called Dropkick on My Devil!! Dash, which continued the over the top violence that is masked by a cutesy background.
For the longest time, many wondered if a third season was even happening; however, confirmation came from a place that no one expected during an event in which the title of the third season, Dropkick, on My Devil! X was decided! The title was chosen by someone who supported the crowdfunding campaign to bring the season to life.
Not much is known about the next season, but it is known that it won't see a release for almost two more years! We would love to hear your thoughts on the new update in the comments below!
The original comedy manga by Yukiwo centers on Yurine Hanazono, a college student who summons Jashin-chan, a demon from the underworld. Now they must live together in a run-down apartment in Tokyo's Jinbōchō district. If Yurine dies, Jashin-chan gets to go back to the underworld, so she constantly plots to kill Yurine.
Dropkick on My Devil! X is looking at a release in 2022!