EX-ARM is a brand new anime based on Shinya Komi and HiRock's hit series and follows a young man who, after an accident, finds himself in a technologically advanced future where he must fight to regain his body and his memories. The show was initially supposed to be released earlier this year; however, the release was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the wait has been long, the team at Visual Flight has not stopped advertising the show with awesome stills and some teasers. With the release date finally coming early next month, advertising for the series has hit full gear, which means even more new footage!
A brand new promo was released recently that showcases not just new footage but the ending theme as well! The new video also announces some new cast members and a lot of brand new footage, which can be seen below!
While there are still a few more weeks before the series's premiere, there is still a lot left to uncover, and hopefully, that means some more announcements ahead of its release! We would love to hear your thoughts on the show and teaser in the comments below!
The manga's crime battle story centers on high school student Akira Natsume. Only his brain is saved when he is involved in a traffic accident, and it later becomes part of an advanced weapon. Akira cooperates with the police's EX-ARM countermeasure division in order to regain his lost memories and body.
EX-ARM is set to premiere in Japan on January 10th!