Shinya Komi and HiRock's EX-ARM has brought a lot to the world of sci-fi and manga. The use of color and visuals have placed each color piece of the series in the same field as the Ghost in the Shell manga. By finding the beauty of technology and humanity and rolling it into one, the series has become a major hit for fans of the genre.
Due to the book's success, an anime has been greenlit and has been in production for some time now. With the effects of COVID-19, much of the production of the series was slowed, causing a delay to later this year (that has now been confirmed to be early next year instead). The series follows a young man who awakens after a terrible accident, without his body, and in the future and joins the police's EX-ARM countermeasure division in an effort to get his body and memories back.
With the premiere a few months away and confirmed to also stream on Crunchyroll in the west, a new promo has released that has unveiled the show's theme song "Rise Again." The song is performed by the Japanese pop-punk band Airflip and brings an awesome devil may care attitude to the CG series.
The new show is a long time coming but promises to make the wait worth it. Will you be there? We would love to hear your thoughts on the song and promo in the comments below!
The manga's crime battle story centers on high school student Akira Natsume. Only his brain is saved when he is involved in a traffic accident, and it later becomes part of an advanced weapon. Akira cooperates with the police's EX-ARM countermeasure division in order to regain his lost memories and body.
EX-ARM will premiere on Crunchyroll, January 2021!