In 2015, Shueisha's Grand Jump launched the science fiction series, Ex-Arm. The series was created by Shinya Komi and HiRock and told the story of a young man who, after a terrible accident, awakens in the future with only his brain intact and tied to a special weapon. Helping the officers he works with, the young man fights to get his memories and body back.
The series was a massive success upon release and was later moved to the Shonen Jump+ app, where it published for two years before concluding in 2019. As the success of the series was maintained, an anime series was later announced to be coming this year that will stream on Crunchyroll.
As the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread through the world, however, the release was pushed to a still undecided date later down the line. That being said, the creators are still making sure to release news to fans, which include new casting announcements!
Recently, the staff of the series has announced the three main character's voice actors that include Soma Saito, Mikako Komatsu, and Akari Kito as Akira Natsume, Minami Uezono, and Arma respectively. With the new reveals, fans will be able to get an idea of what these characters may sound like! Make sure to share your thoughts on the news in the comments section!
The manga's crime battle story centers on high school student Akira Natsume. Only his brain is saved when he is involved in a traffic accident, and it later becomes part of an advanced weapon. Akira cooperates with the police's EX-ARM countermeasure division in order to regain his lost memories and body.
Ex-Arm is premiering, in Japan, as soon as the studio announces the new release date.