The new anime series, Fruits Basket, is coming back as a retelling of the original manga series written by Natsuki Takaya, who is also supervising the project. The anime will be hitting screens on April 2019 and will be broadcasted in the following networks: TV Tokyo, TV Osaka and others.
The new cast shared is the following
Rie Kugimiya as Kagura Sohma
Megumi Han as Momiji Sohma
Makoto Furukawa as Hatsuharu Sohma
Director - Yoshihide Ibata
Series Director - Taku Kishimoto
Character Design - Masaru Sindo
Studio - TMS Entertainment
Tohru Honda - Manaka Iwami
Yuki Soma - Nobunaga Shimazaki
Kyo Soma - Yuma Uchida
Shigure Soma - Yuichi Nakamura
The original anime series that tells the same story aired from July 5, 2001 to December 27, 2001 and has 26 episodes in total. Akitaro Daichi served as the director and Higuchi Tachibana performed scripting duties. Funimation has the North American license and Studio Deen is behind the animation. This new anime series is retelling the original story because the author was not thrilled about the changes the original anime series did.
After a family tragedy turns her life upside down, 16-year-old high schooler Tooru Honda takes matters into her own hands and moves out...into a tent! Unfortunately for her, she pitches her new home on private land belonging to the mysterious Souma clan, and it isn't long before the owners discover her secret. But, as Tooru quickly finds out when the family offers to take her in, the Soumas have a secret of their own--when hugged by the opposite sex, they turn into the animals of the Chinese Zodiac!
Fruits Basket is out on April 2019