Originally premiering in 1968, Humanoid Monster Bem tells the story of three monsters, called yokai, who go on various adventures in an effort to protect normal people from evil yokai. While the heroes may look scary and aren't accepted by humans or monsters, they will stop at nothing to protect the people and hopefully become humans themselves. The series simple premise has stood the test of time, even having an anime release back in 2019. That anime also released a manga by Mosae Nohara that released on Hakuhensha's Manga Park app, last summer.
In a recent reveal, the BEM franchise is getting a brand new film titled Gekijoban BEM~Become Human. The film is being produced over at Production I.G. and distributed by The Klockworx Co. Ltd. is set to be helmed by Hiroshi Ikehata (Space Battelship Tiramisu) and will be written by Atsuhiro Tomioka (One Piece Stampede). The upcoming film is highly anticipated and while not much news has been given, recently; it looks like there has finally been a major reveal announced!
Recently, the produciton committee of the series has revelaed that there is a whole new teaser to announce the upcoming film! The video shows off each of the main characters BEM, Belo and Bela, and brand new footage that carries a very mysterious and eerie tone. Make sure to check out the brand new teaser below!
Excited for the new film? Planning on watching the series or reasearching the franchise? We would love to hear your thoughts in the usual spot! Gekijoban BEM~Become Human is set to release this fall!