The official anime-hachinai website has shared some character visuals for the main characters in the upcoming school sports anime series Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine. The five characters appearing in the image below are: Tsubasa Arihara voiced by Nozomi Nishida, Ryou Shinonome voiced by Reina Kondou, Yuuki Nozaki voiced by Saki Minami, Tomoe Kwakita voiced by Honoka Inoue and Akane Ukita voiced by Yumiri Hanamori.
The anime series is directed by Susumu kudo and written by Jin Tanaka. TMS Entertainment is animating the project and has a 2019 release date. The original game inspired other media formats such as a one-shot manga written by Bkub Okawa and published by Kadokawa and a serial novel from the same writer and publisher as well titled Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine ~Before Summer~.
The video game that inspired this anime adaptation came out on June 27, 2017 in Japan and is available for both iOS and Android devices. The official website is also serializing a four-panel comedy spin-off manga series titled Hachi Nai Gaiden: Senryoku Gai! and a novel titled Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine ~ Before Summer ~. An original net animation with 4 episodes was streamed in the site from May to June 2017.
In the game, the player takes the role of an unnamed former little senior league baseball ace who lost his or her baseball career after suffering an unspecified injury. The character moves to his or her grandmother's hometown and enrolls in the local high school, resolved never to enter the world of baseball again. When the character meets Tsubasa Arihara, he or she is persuaded to be the manager of the school's baseball team, and to take the team to the high school nationals at Koshien.
Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine launches on April 2019