Japan has always been known for its iconic animated characters from Speed Racer and Gundam to, of course, Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty was created by Yuko Shimizu and is produced by the company Sanrio. The iconic white Kitten has been the centerpiece for plushies, clothing, accessories, and so much more since its inception in 1974.
Since her creation, Hello Kitty has been joined by a colorful cast of friends and together have created an empire whose iconography could rival Mickey Mouse! From video games to shows and movies, there is hardly any medium that the characters haven't been apart of.
Now, a brand new web series is coming from Sanrio that will celebrate 60 years of the character and her friends, titled Hello Kitty And Friends Supercute Adventures. The epitome of kawaii is coming to Youtube, and a brand new teaser has started streaming that reveals the cast of characters who will be apart of the show.
Will this mean even more Hello Kitty in the future? Only time will tell but until then, make sure to check out the new trailer, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below!
Hello Kitty will lead her friends in helping each other overcome everyday obstacles and learn that through the power of great friendship, humor and fun, they can accomplish anything.
Hello Kitty And Friends Supercute Adventures will premiere on October 26th at 1 p.m. PST on the Hello Kitty and Friends Youtube channel!