In 2016, manga creators Naoki Yamakawa and Akinari Nao launched the isekai series; I'm Standing on a Million Lives. Upon release, the series reached high praise, publishing nine volumes, so far, with more on the way!
The series tells the story of a loner and two female classmates who are sent to a fantasy world where they are forced to survive. While the idea of survival may sound simple for a genre such as this, things get more complicated when the main hero is used to working alone and has to wrestle with whether or not he wishes to answer the call to action.
The manga has been published in both Japanese and English, and with such a large fanbase, the anime adaption was not far behind. The upcoming series is being developed by director Kumiko Habara at Maho Film; and a talented team of other creators.
In fact, the team has been working so hard that the 12 episode series has completely completed production just three months ahead of its premiere! While it has not been confirmed if this will move the release date up, it's best to stay tuned for any potential updates. Make sure to share your thoughts on the excellent news in the comments!
Ninth grader Yusuke Yotsuya is practical, friendless, and not active in any clubs. Then one day, he and two female classmates are suddenly sent to another world where they must work together to battle for their lives. Yotsuya is a lone wolf and has always lived his life according to his wants, but how will that work out now that he's supposed to be a hero?! Get ready for a one-of-a-kind fantasy story that will challenge everything you thought you knew about fantasy!
I'm Standing on a Million Lives premieres in Japan this October!