Beginning as a manga in 2016, in the pages of Kodansha's Bessatsu Shonen Magazine, I'm Standing on a Million Lives tells the story of a loner high school student who, along with two other girls are taken to a dangerous fantasy world. Forced to work as a team, the young loner must help his friends to stay alive, as they begin to become a team.
Written by Naoki Yamakawa and Akinari Nao, the series released nine compiled volumes, so far, and continues to publish more chapters. Due to its massive success, the upcoming anime is drawing a lot of eyes, with the lovely animation by Maho Film.
Recently, a brand new promo for the series was released that features a lot of new announcements for the show! To begin, a new cast member has been introduced named Chiwah Saito and will be playing Kahabell. The ending song was also revealed to be titled "Carpe Diem" and performed by cosplayer Liyuu. Fans can expect the series to release at the beginning of October!
As the series release comes closer, make sure to catch up on all of the updates and manga! We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Ninth grader Yusuke Yotsuya is practical, friendless, and not active in any clubs. Then one day, he and two female classmates are suddenly sent to another world where they must work together to battle for their lives. Yotsuya is a lone wolf and has always lived his life according to his wants, but how will that work out now that he's supposed to be a hero?! Get ready for a one-of-a-kind fantasy story that will challenge everything you thought you knew about fantasy!
I'm Standing on a Million Lives will premiere in Japan on October 2nd!