In 1973, Sakyo Komatsu released a bestselling novel titled, Japan Sinks. The novel tells the story of a horrific earthquake that virtually devastates Japan. The novel has seen many adaptions over time, and all have been unique in the method of adaptation. The disaster genre hit a true stride in the 70's both in the US and in Japan, citing such works as Earthquake and The Towering Inferno. However, the modern day disaster seen has not really had the same impact as before. But all of that could change sooner than expected.
Masaaki Yuasa and the anime studio Science SARU, have decided to tackle this story in the new series, Japan Sinks 2020. The concept of the story is the same as the novel, however, this new series has a new twist on the premise. Japan Sinks 2020's story takes place post the Tokyo Summer Olympics, setting the stage for a setting that features mass gatherings and thus, piling on the danger aspect of this devastating earthquake.
The series has announced that it will be a ten part story, that will be released on Netflix. As of now, Yuasa has stated that the work for the series has been completed; meaning fans should expect more announcements soon. Recently, a brand new visual featuring a tattered photo of a family with a calm beach backdrop, was released. Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new series? Make sure to share your thoughts in the commetns section! Japan Sinks 2020 will be coming to Netflix summer 2020; and will premiere during the Annecy International Animated Film Festivel from June 15th to June 30th!