Kagaku Manga Survival (Science Manga Survival), is an all color manga series that features children who go on some adventurous journeys that teach the reader about science. The series released in 2008, and has been published by Asahi Shimbun. The series has been a massive success as both a manga and an educational tool.
The series originated in South Korea, with illustrator Hyun-Dong Han and has been translated and published in other countries, including the US as Survive! Inside the Human Body. The series has a whole has sold an impressive 30 million copies worldwide. No doubt this proves that learning can definitely be fun and entertaining!
Recently, it was announced that this summer would see the release of the first anime film, for the series, ever! The film is set to screen with Ganbareiwa!! Robocon and have MX4D screenings. The news came out of the Toei Animation studio, who will be handling the film. The company had also released a 100-second video, back in 2019, to advertise the manga and also act as a pilot for the movie. Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new film? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! Kagaku Manga Survival is set to release, in Japan, on July 31st!